If you are a regular attender of LifeJourney Church, you likely have an account waiting for you to login.

  1. Click here to Login or click the login button the upper right corner. (Help)
  2. Enter Your Email Address (the one LifeJourney uses to send you emails)
  3. Click Forgot Password to setup your password, even if you never created one.

Once you're logged in take a look around! Here are some things you can do:

Update your contact information.
Upload a photo (or connect Google or FaceBook to have use a photo from social media)
Update your privacy settings.
Choose to be part of the online directory (and select the information you'd like to share).
Review your donations.

If you're a volunteer and your ministry has been on-boarded to Elvanto:

View the Volunteer Schedule (Roster)
Submit your "Unavailability" dates.
Choose your "Scheduling Preferences"

Feel free to ask your questions in the comments below or email LifeJourney support if you should need assistance along the way!



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